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Class of '71 SM HOF
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Christopher Aluisa
Robert Anderson
Donald Appelbaum
Daniel Armbruster
Vincent (Mike) Badgley
Anthony Bakota
Joseph Ban
Verne Barbeau
Bernard Barton
Michael Basso
Gordon Beck
Daniel Bentrup
David Bentrup
Michael Bergman
Richard Bergman
Ray Bernacki
Daniel Beutler
Dennis Beutler
Charles Birkenmeier
Alfred Blessing
Robert Bloemker
Charles Bohn
Al Book
James Boschert
Gary Bourgeois
Donald Boyer
Donald Bradford
Larry Brantley
Ed Brass
John Brickey
Donald Broekelmann
Timothy Brown
Thomas Bruggeman
Steven Buchheit
Joseph Buck
John Buerman
Elmer Buhlinger
Michael Buhlinger
Gus Buttice
Earl Carroll
John Carroll
Michael Carroll
Dennis Cashel
Michael Chierek
John Christman
Thomas Christoffel
Gerald Chytla
John Cissell
Carl Collignon
Timothy Collins
James Condon
Terry Coppage
Kerry Costello
John Cowens
Michael Craven
John Cummings
Chris Dangelo
Michael Dauphin
William Davis
Greg Degenhart
Edward Degreeff
Daniel Dickman
Douglass Dickmann
Denis Doelling
Frederick Doering
Michael Donahue
Ronald Donze
Thomas Dostal
Robert Dreiling (Dreiling)
Albert Dreste
Mark Durham
Michael Egenriether
James Egler
Dale Eiserle
Kevin Ellis
Richard Enger
Martin Erickson
Stephen Everding
Neil Faerber
Mark Faller
Timothy Farrell
Jack Favre
John Feldhaus
Patrick Ferguson
Karl Fett
William Fillman
Gary Finnazo
Patrick Fisher
Thomas Fitzsimmons
Robert Fleischman
Frank Flesch
Matthew Frank
Larry Frerker
Jerome Frick
Mark Gadell
John Garavaglia
Larry Gezella
Dale Ghiglione
Michael Gilsinn
Norbert Godinez
Aelred Goewert
Michael Gossman
Oliver Gramlich
Edwin Greaving
James Grunzinger
Leo Haas
Robert Hallermann
Glen Haman
Robert Hamilton
Michael Hanak
Edward Harper
John Heet
James Heisserer
Lawrence Held
Daniel Helfrich
Michael Hintmann
John Hise
William Hoffmann
Kevin Holman
Edward Huck
Michael Huddleston
Gregg Hummert
Kevin Humphrey
Michael Hurley
Glenn Jenkins
Gary Juelich
Kenneth Jurkowski
James Kelley
Harry Kennedy
Joe Kenny
Fred Kininson
Richard Kleb
Joseph Komadina
Richard Kory
Kurt Kotraba
Christian Kraft
Joseph Kreft
Wilfred Krenn
Michael Krull
Gregory Krus
William Kuelker
Joseph Kuhlman
Mark Kulik
Richard Kupferer
Rick LaGrotta
Dennis Lampe
Michael Lampe
Patrick Lampe
Michael Lamping
Michael Lange
Edward Lauck
William Leaders
Robert Leeker
Ron Lehmann
Edward Lehrmann
Robert Leible
Roman "Ray" Lesiw
Stephen Lestmann
Rodney Lichtenberg
Wilbert Lichtenberg
David Linneman
Raymond Logsdon
William Lowery
Mark Malcinski
John Marshall
Thomas Marshall
Leo Martinez
Mark Matousek
Steve Matt
Kevin Mattingly
James McKay
Steven Meissner
John Mernah
Fred Meyer
Philip Miceli
Stanley Mierzejewski
Dennis Miller
Robert Minor
Steve Mistretta
Donald Moeller
Russel Monika
Richard Moore
Francis Moser
Paul Mueller
Russell Mueller
Thomas Mueller
Damian Musielak
Gregory Nassif
Robert Nolda
Thomas Norris (Norris)
William O'Fallon
Michael Panneri
Robert Pauley
John Pearson
Daniel Petersen (Petersen)
Daniel Peterson
Daniel Picarella
Daniel Pike
John Pipitone
Glennon Praechter
Kevin Pruellage
David Pudlowski
Scott Puettmann
Charles Puricelli
Michael Rea
Mark Reichert
Robert Reinhardt
John Reinhold
Thomas Reinkemeyer
Joseph Rekart
Daniel Rellegert
Daniel Reno
Dennis Rhode
Samuel Ribaudo
Kurt Riebeling
John Riley
Richard Ringkamp
Richard Ringkamp
John Roeslein
Emeric Ronshausen
Paul Roth-Roffy
John Rudolf
James Rudolph
Steven Rueschoff
Robert Rung
Richard Rutledge
Jerome Santoyo
Robert Santoyo
Mark Schaefer
Daryl Schaetty
Robert Schager
Richard Schlichtig (Schlichtig)
Richard Schmeling
Gary Schmidt
Gerard Schmidt
John Schmitt
Robert Schmittling
James Schmitz
Allan Schomaker
Chuck Schwarz
James Schwegmann
Frank Schweiss
Ernest Sciaroni
David Scott
Lawrence Seithel
Mark Sellmeyer
Thomas Seper
Alan Sharp
Mark Shipley
Robert Simokaitis
William Simokaitis
Thomas Skyles
Dennis Slay
Rickey Smith
Edward Spieker
Theodore Spiro
Rob Stark (Stark)
Richard Stiles
Ronald Stockmann
Steven Stofiel (Stofiel)
Michael Stupka
Dennis Stutte
Daniel Swallow
David Sweet
Edward (Mike) Teepe
Robert Templin
Donald Terovich
Daniel Terry
Larry Thaier
Joseph Thompson (Thompson)
Kevin Thorpe
Kevin Thorpe
Donald Topolski
David Tornatore
Bruce Trigg
Dale Trott
Carl Ulreich
Ronald Ulrich
Joseph Valenza
Michael Vetz
James Voss
Vincent Wagner
Michael Walkenbach
Jerry Walsh
Stephen Walsh (Walsh)
Michael Wasyluka
Patrick Watterson
Edward Weindel
James Wende
Norbert Werkmeister
Ronald Werner
Roscoe Wess Jr
Patrick Wheatley
Joseph Wilkins
Richard Willmann
James Wingbermuehle
Robert Wozniak
Gary Zieroff
Guest Members
Glenn Bartels
Tony Davis
Joe Divis
Kevin Hacker
Michele Kohler (Patton)
Joe Komadina
Mike Lowe
Dave Schmitt
Barbara Szerzinski (Favre)
Eileen Walsh (LaGrotta)