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In Memory

Terry Coppage

Terry Coppage

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05/24/14 11:35 AM #1    

James Egler

I am shocked.  I haven't talked to Terry in about a year. Hard to believe he is gone. He was a good friend. I remember going out on double dates with him in sophomore year. He had so much heart ache early with the loss of his father then his mother. He was almost killed then. Will miss you my friend. Deus te amat.

05/27/14 04:58 PM #2    

David Tornatore

I didn't know Terry had been battling leukemia. I didn't have a lot of direct contact with him at SM, but I distinctly remember him with that freckled face always smiling. Really good, down-to-earth guy.

Rest in peace, Terry.

David Tornatore

05/27/14 05:23 PM #3    

Daniel Armbruster

Terry and I had plenty of laughs in the Freshman year, that he attended.  It was eery when he told me on a Friday, that he was driving to Little Rock, like usual to be with his family.   "Watch, I'll run off the road and have an accident", he said and that is what happened at approximately 2 am on his way there.  Compound fracture of the femur kept him in Arkansas.  He convinced me that a blind date wanted to meet me, although friends said he just needs a driver for his girlfriend and he.  We drove to the airport area, Edmonson township, on the south outer road of  I-70, with the girls, and had plenty of laughing in my Volkswagen.  I think of you, Terry when I drive on that road.  You sure took care of your Mom as a Freshman.   

05/28/14 09:35 AM #4    

Paul Mueller

Saddened to learn of Terry's passing. He left me a nice note last year on my birthday reminding me of the times we had in the band we formed years ago, Terry was the drummer initially and mentioned how bad he was. Sounds like he lived a full life and I have good memories of my times we've had together.

05/28/14 11:50 PM #5    

Norbert Godinez

I was so sorry to hear that Terry has left us. I talked with him around the time of the  last reunion and he sounded happy.  We had great times together in the old band and going to school every morning .  He was a pinball wizard and we would be in some store every morning as we waited for the bus and he would just burn up that machine. Terry was always laughing and making everyone else laugh as well.

And then you all tell me we lost Frank Sweiss and Greg H. All great SM men who will certainly be missed.

I hope everyone is taking advantage of each day we have and making sure we leave everyone with a smile as Mother Teresa taught us.   I think she said it much better than I did though.

Now the rest of yall better stay healthy! No more of this. 






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